Tuesday, October 28

No Illness? No Way.

"State psychiatrists found Browning had no diagnosable mental illnesses."

That was the shocking line.

A 16-year-old shot and killed his mother, father, and two younger brothers in the middle of the night. Then he went back to his friend's house to play video games. The family was discovered the following day.

The young boy pleaded guilty yesterday, in tears. Yet I can't help but wonder: What was he feeling the night it happened?

It's eerie to me that he could go about his evening as if it were like any other. I can't even fathom that. Yet even more eerie is the line almost tagged as an afterthought at the end of the news story:

"State psychiatrists found Browning had no diagnosable mental illnesses."

If something's not wrong, then something's got to be wrong.

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